• The Unit Count is a count of items on the scale, computed by dividing net weight by the unit weight parameter
  • The Status Word is a bit encoded value that indicates things like motion or errors in analog to digital conversion.
  • The Zero Tolerance parameter limits how much weight can be zeroed via the ZERO command. The Zeroed Amount is how much has been zeroed since calibration by the ZERO command.
  • The NET weight is computed from the GROSS weight by subtracting the Tare Amount plus the Tare Offset.
  • A tare command sets the NET weight to zero by updating the Tare Amount only. The Tare Offset is a user entered constant.
  • The AutoZero Tolerance is how much autozero can adjust at one time, subject to the cumulative limit of the zero tolerance parameter.
  • The +IZero Tolerance and -IZero Tolerance parameters specify how much weight above (+) or below (-) the zero determined at calibration may be zeroed off. These parameters are set as a percentage of the Scale Capacity parameter.
  • The Warmup Time parameter defines how many minutes after power up the initial zero will be done. During this warmup period the weight is considered to be invalid, and no zero, tare, or calibration may be done.